Saturday, December 12, 2009

Individual Reflection: Ben

Prior to taking ME 250, I had very minimal experience with the design and manufacturing process. I learned how the process methodically breaks down the way engineers make decisions through strategies, concepts, modules etc. and how fundamental principles contribute to the design of products. In terms of manufacturing, I also had very minimal experience with power tools. This class provided me with hands on experience as well as a starting point for practical skills that are essential in mechanical engineering. Another essential skill that I gained from this class was the use of CAD. I learned how CAD is used to effectively communicate design ideas from one engineer to another. I found it interesting how precisely CAD is able to translate our ideas into the real product through the machinery provided. It showed how powerful computers are in the design and manufacturing process.

Our team dynamics this semester had its ups and downs when it came to staying organized and being on task. We got to know each other very well and the semester progressed so working together was not a problem. However, because we got along so well, there was an increase in distractions and loss of focus at times. Our team could have been more efficient and effective if we were more organized and focused more often. Nonetheless, we generally worked well together as a team. Our team did not have anyone who had prior experience in manufacturing and CAD, which stood as learning obstacles for much of the semester causing us to feel at a disadvantage. I learned how advantageous it is to have a diversified team that can split work up by corresponding strengths to be most effective.

Overall, ME 250 was a very helpful class in getting hands on experience with design and manufacturing in which we are able to try things on our own and learn from our own mistakes. However, I felt that I could have used more time learning how to manufacture by spending more time in the shop which could have perhaps been possible if the manufacturing portion of the project was started earlier in the semester. Next, the rules of the game should be set immediately so that teams do not have to keep changing their proposed design causing them to lose time. In terms of deadlines and schedules for the class, they should be made in even more advance so that teams get a chance to fit ME 250 into their schedules. It’s much easier to find times to go into the shop and work on our projects when we know in advance when times are available.

I could have improved my performance in this class by spending more time outside of class planning what needed to be done especially since I had minimal experience in the shop. I think if more time was spent at the beginning of the semester coming up with a creative and effective design, I would not have been reluctantly forced to simply choose the best design from what I had but rather had a design that I knew would work.

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